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MaShiAat Oloya

Queen Mother, Kindred of ShiEndra, Inc.

Naturalpathic Holistic Practioner

Phytomedicine Practitioners, Master Herblist

Spiritual Advisor, Kemetic Life Coach

A Wholistic Way To A Healthier Lifestyle

Let us show you options that will change your health and your life:

As a result of many years in practice and dealing with a multitude of people from diverse backgrounds; We recognized that most people receive care based on an illness focused treatment versus a wellness and maintenance centered lifestyle renewal.  Even within most “Alternative” healing therapies, the standard practice in our society is treating the symptoms versus the direct cause. As a response to our patient's and client's on-going health and lifestyle needs, we acknowledged an urgent need to introduce our Wholistic Initiative as a solution to the current sick care/health care process. Thus the Kemetic Holistic Platform was manifested. 


Our wholistic transformative services, programs, and workshops focus on wholeness, wellness, and healing while creating a sustainable lifestyle that integrates the ageless wisdom of nature, holistic, and indigenous restorative modalities. Our purpose is to promote integrative health that incorporates the Body, Heart, Emotion, Mind, and Spirit (BHEMS).  Our goal is to demonstrate options that will help you personally create and cultivate your specific individualized program of total wellness through a viable holistic lifestyle that you can maintain. 

Oloya P. Tyehimba-Ford, Monitrice, NHP, MH, CI, LE

Visit Us

Located in the San Francisco/East Bay Area

Tel: 707-219-6030

Available Treatments

  • Birthwork and Doula Services

  • Fertility Counseling/Fertility Doula

  • Ancient Kemetic Body Therapy

  • Kemetic Lifestyle Consulting/Life Coaching

  • Skin, Hair and Anti-Aging Treatments(All Ages)

  • Iridology Analysis

  • Herbal Teas and Supplements 

  • Nutritional Consulting and Weight Control

  • Spiritual Augmentation and Clarification

  • Ceremonies and Rites of Passages

  • Physical Training (Individualized)

All treatments and services are based on the cultural, indigenous, spiritual practices of the Kemetic pantheon. Practitioners are certified by the Kindred of ShiEndra and the University of Kemetic theology and may also have individual certification in other healing, nutritional, herbal, and fitness modalities. All services offered are based on Kemetic African cultural, spiritual, and folk practices and are not meant to diagnose, treat, or replace any medical or health therapy or condition. It is always our suggestion to consult your medical practitioner before starting any new lifestyle change or practice.


For beautiful, healthy, nurtured skin at every age, SacredMe skin and hair care products are created to embellish the youthfulness and beauty already there, promoting, maintaining, revitalizing, and enriching one's most cherished Sacred Temple: the SacredMe. However, we are more than just an organic and natural beauty product website. We are powerful, compassionate, healing women that have made women’s wellness and nature/natural healing for women and children as well as our planet and all living species and allies our top priority. We welcome you home and into the family of SacredMe for the love of “SELF” and the “WE.” 

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